Sports Illustrated Coaches and Body Language Read of Politicians

Here is the Sports Illustrated article:
Here is a link to another piece I did recently for the New York Daily News.
"Body Language Reads of Politicians." Eliot Spitzer is on the far left. far right is George Pataki. next to him is David Paterson. The commentator is next to Spitzer. Did a photo read today for the New York Daily News.

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Also check out the body language quiz on her YouTube Channel at

Body Language for Job Interviews

Body language expert Patti Wood is quoted in an article on, "Interviewing for a Job" the link is below. The recommendations were made for college students. I coach clients on job interviewing and college students sometimes feel that an interview is performance where they must prepare word for word answers to possible questions and "shine." An interview should be a conversation and not a performance.

In conversations people make mistakes, it is real. You don't have to shake your head, apologize or ask to start over. Having a conversation means that you should also not "click on" when an interviewer gives you a question you prepared for and "click off' when you finished answering. Stay connected to the interviewer as you answer the questions.

Look at the interviewer when you finish speaking. Respond to their body language. You may not realize you're doing it, but make sure you don't give any "Whew, glad I am done with that." body language or "Shucks I messed up" body language as you finish answering a question. That means don't do the funny little tells such as breathing out a sigh or huff of breath as you finish speaking. Don't make a little relived or upset face as you finish talking. You would be surprised how often interviewees do that. There is something very unsettling about those expressions to an interviewer. Oddly it is more upsetting when they see a little smirk of glee on your face. It may sound creepy but it is a smirk I see on liars who think they have gotten away with their lie. Also, don't suddenly drop or relax your posture or sit back as if you have just finished an operatic solo.
One of the things I emphasized in the article was making good eye contact when you're listening to the interviewer. Another tip is to end strong. Even if you don't think you did well give a good handshake as you leave and stay up and confident. Again, you wouldn't beat yourself up in a conversation for not giving an answer exactly as you rehearsed it. If you want more on job interviewing you may wish to buy my body language book by linking to my website.

Sell yourself
By Brenna Long

Originally published October 21, 2010 at 6 a.m., updated October 21, 2010 at 6 a.m.

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CloseCommentFacebookDiggDeliciousPrint.Dressed to impress, Rachel Schallenberg shook his hand with confidence. She had done the simple greeting before. Then he stopped her and made her do it again. Her professional shake did not meet his standards.

Thankfully, this was a learning environment. Using the career services at KU, Schallenberg, Olathe senior, left her mock interview prepared to pursue a real job.

Under pressure: Whether your interview is in an office, at a career fair or on the phone, remember to be enthusiastic and engaged. If you’re in need of practice to eliminate nervousness, check out the resources at the University Career Center, which offers mock interviews and practice questions.
A quick shake counts for three hours of continuous interaction says Patti Wood, body language expert.

Start every interview with these 10 steps and you’ll be closer to getting a job.

Walk to the person confidently with head level and hands at your side, not in your pockets. If carrying a purse or portfolio, switch it to your left hand.

If sweaty palms or clammy hands plague you, wipe your hands before any handshake.

Briefly smile but don’t go over the top and look cheesy.

Make eye contact, but don’t stare. This lets the person know you want to interact.

Face the person directly, not at an angle.

Make sure you fully extend your right arm, or you may look timid.

Position your hand straight up with thumb on top.

Open the space between your thumb and index finger so your hand easily slides into theirs, keeping your other fingers straight so your palms touch.

Wrap your fingers around their hand and lock hands.

Shake firmly three times and release. The grip is not a contest of strength. Make sure to match the pressure of the other person.

Learning how to interview can help students feel more confident when they nervously sit down to impress future employers. At the University Career Center (UCC), students can get personal guidance on preparing for interviews.

To prepare, the UCC has practice questions, mock interviews and a virtual interview program online. Talking through questions with family and friends can help students get comfortable talking about themselves, says Ann Hartley, associate director at the UCC. For professional advice on interviewing performance, Hartley says the mock interviews at the UCC can help. The staff records and watches the interview with the student. “As much as students hate it, seeing yourself can help you notice the umms and pauses,” Hartley says.

When the interviewer has arrived, Hartley reminds students to take a résumé, pen and paper, but to leave the cell phone behind. “The danger of forgetting [to turn it off] is high, and that won’t make a good first impression,” Hartley says.

Next, take a deep breath and brag about yourself. While your mouth is moving, body language expert Patti Wood wants you to remember eye contact, listening and posture. Wood, who wrote Success Signals: Body Language in Business, says students today lack eye contact. Keeping the eye connection tells the interviewer you are paying attention and are interested in the job. After each answer, remember to listen to the interviewer. “Don’t click off,” Wood says. Along with consistent eye contact, engage the rest of your body. Lean forward slightly with your feet firmly planted on the ground.

After the nerve-wracking part is over, don’t forget to end an in-person interview with a solid handshake, Wood says. Even if you feel like you made mistakes, a firm handshake accompanied by words of interest can leave the interviewer with a good impression.

But not all interviews happen in a sit-down environment. Ryan Watson, Mascoutah, Ill., sophomore, experienced brief in-person interviews at the business career fair. “My goal was to not look like an idiot,” he says. Watson learned the importance of preparing a résumé and researching employers before attending the career fair.

Hartley at the UCC says the 30-second speech about yourself is the most important skill to have in career fair scenarios. “They want to know who you are and what you are there for,” she says.

A phone interview brings a different challenge. The interviewer can’t see your reaction. “Be enthused and animated,” Hartley says. Find a secluded spot and dress up so the mood of your conversation doesn’t turn casual. Hartley also recommends using this type of interview to your advantage by laying out your résumé and cheat sheets.

Heather Luth, Olathe senior, says her stomach filled with butterflies as she answered her cell phone for her first phone interview. “I just tried to focus on sounding excited.”

Nailing a job isn’t all about the interview, but these tips can help that part of the job hunt. If you need more help, visit the UCC in the Burge Union or online. They can help you organize your résumé and send you out of their office prepared to land your dream job.

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Also check out the body language quiz on her YouTube Channel at

Death of the Business Card? Should You Still Exchange Business Cards?

I was reading a blog post from Bruce Turnkell about the new way to exchange business cards. I know you can bump my IPhone with another IPhone to exchange contact information but this is a way to share your contact information with an entire audience. I still lament the loss of opportunities to get in close proximity and create more intimacy. The old business card exchange gives you an opportunity to get close and shake hands and or touch hands as you share your card then linger a bit as you read the person's card. Then you have the concrete object that becomes, albeit for a brief time, a part of you. Here is the scoop from Bruce.

"Imagine my surprise when I met with my old friend Marcos the other day and asked him for his business card. “I don’t carry them anymore” he said. “Just text my name to 65047.” I did as he instructed. A few seconds later all his contact information arrived as an SMS message on my phone, ready to be copied into Outlook, friended on Facebook, and followed on Twitter.
“Now that you’re registered I can send you anything,” he went on enthusiastically, “updates, promotions, special deals and coupons. Because it’s all opt-in, people can cancel whenever they want so there’s never any spam. My company has just two employees but we’re using the most sophisticated mobile marketing out there.”
The minute I got back to my office I went online, looked up the company and signed up for my own mobile account. Now, when I speak at conferences or meet people at networking events, I tell them to text “Turkel” (my keyword) to 65047. They get back an instant message from me with my contact information and their cell phone number automatically goes into my database where I can let them know where I’m speaking, announce my new blog post or tell them anything I think they’ll find valuable.
Best of all, it’s an easy and inexpensive way to add mobile marketing to your promotions arsenal with almost no barrier to entry. If you’re in the cruise line, airline or hotel business you can expand your yield management programs by sending special offers to your customers at the very last minute. If you’re in the restaurant business, you can offer specials – two for one, say, or a free glass of wine – at the exact moment when you have empty seats. If you run a CVB, you can issue travel deals when you see your stakeholders’ RevPAR dropping. Bloggers can announce their latest post in real time. Bakeries can let people know when the muffins are fresh out of the oven. Heck, you can use the technology to tell your softball team when you’re practicing or tell your friends when you’re going to the beach. The opportunities are endless; those are just the first few I came up with. Talk about yield management – now you can reach your customers right on their phones with time-stamped promotions.
All you need to do is click here and visit the site. The trial is free, the process is simple and after just a few minutes you’ll be a mobile marketer too. If you type in the promo code TURKEL, Marcos will add an additional 50 messages to your account for free. And if you send me an e-mail with your new keyword, I’ll text you back and be your first customer."

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Also check out the body language quiz on her YouTube Channel at

A Casual Tone of Voice In an Emergency. Story of Fireman on Scene of the Accident.

Recently a fire fighter on the scene of an accident used his cell phone to video tape the body of the victim, a young girl. How horrible.
I just watched a Today show interview of the parents of the young girl who was killed in the car accident. Yes, a fireman here in Georgia took a video at the scene of the accident.The fireman took a video and sent it to friends. Besides the obvious horror of having someone taking a video of your deceased loved one and treating it like entertainment, what disturbed the parents was the casual tone of voice of the Emergency workers on the scene.
The voices showed no urgency. Certainly the emergency workers had seen tragic accidents before, but where was the urgency to match the situation.
I have written that when the nonverbal cues don't match the situation we feel uncomfortable. This horrible situation reminds us to have a sense of honor and respect.
A year ago

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Also check out the body language quiz on her YouTube Channel at

Deception Detection, What Does It Mean When Someone Breaks Out in a Sweat?

Uncover Deception.
When you know details of a transgression that the suspect does not know you now look at their nonverbal response when you reveal details to them. An Innocent person would not get nervous when details about something they didn't do are revealed. Below is a powerful story from a workshop participant who saw this work. My guess, in the story described, is that the suspected thief had prepared for the big questions but when the questioner knew small specific details it tended to make the guilty person feel more exposed and nervous.

I was in a deception detection session with you this past summer. In October I went to a European country, I won't name, to look into allegations that our ---- was stealing from us. I took part in complicated interviews with the subject and our accountants that were largely conducted in his language because neither the ---our accountants were fluent enough in English to deal with such a stressful situation and get the meaning right. So my U.S. colleague and I were dependent on our watching skills more than our listening skills. At first I was unable to sense any change in tone, speed, or bodily position as the --- lied to us for about an hour. That is, until we got to questions where we had details. When the accountant started that line of questions, the --- broke out into a sweat that was visible on his face. Your speech helped me recognize the change. You said knowing details even seemingly small ones helps. And sure enough the details were part of a fairly minor transgression compared to the real theft!), I knew enough not to let go of that issue until we had proof that he had committed a crime.

Thanks for speaking to us. I had no idea I would be putting what I’d learned to use so quickly.

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Also check out the body language quiz on her YouTube Channel at

The Body Language of Listening

I did an interview for Cosmopolitan recently.
The piece is how to gloss over certain situations that can be awkward. One particular section was supposed to be on how to fake listen, but I gave body language cues on listening and discussed the research that shows that faking listening actually requires more physical and mental energy and stresses the body more that actually listening. Also, how not giving the body language cues of listening can actually make the conversation go longer because the person doesn't feel heard, so they repeat themselves. See my other posts on listening.

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Also check out the body language quiz on her YouTube Channel at

Dog Body Language Mischa Barton and Patti Wood in LA at Pup-peroni Couch Talk Event

Paw Mischa! Barton takes pets to dog therapy... as she reveals anger at 'messed up' presenter Fearne Cotton
Last updated at 12:10 AM on 15th October 2010
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A smiling Mischa Barton poses with her dogs as she takes them for a spot of pet therapy in Los Angeles.
But behind her happy facade, the actress has revealed she is absolutely furious with British presenter and radio personality Fearne Cotton.
Barton, 24, let Cotton, 29, film her for an episode of her 'Fearne and ...' show for ITV2 - and she is not impressed with the way she was portrayed.

Read more:

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Also check out the body language quiz on her YouTube Channel at

Lying and Body Language

Answers to a report... "Questions About Body Language and Lying."
1.Are there different types of body language for different types of lying?
Lying style is based more on the liars personality rather than the type of lie. We tend to think liars always pause or liars don't make eye contact. The newest research indicates that extroverts are more likely to speed up, get louder and more effusive when they lie and introvert pause more, soften their voice more and have less facial expressions and movement. Liars try to put more expression in their voice and face but the facial expression stays on the face too long and the vocal variation seems out of sync with the facial expressions. An honest person feels something then shows it nonverbally then says it with their words. The liar is focusing on the words then has to think about what emotion they should be expressing. So the words come out first then the person expresses. So someone telling you the truth may smile then say, "Sure I love you." a liar may say, "Sure I love you." then smile and the smile and voice and body expressions comes a beat late and can linger a bit so that it feels and looks awkward.

2. What sort of body language occurs in the upper body when someone is lying? (i.e arms, hands)
So many different possibilities depending on personality.
If the person feels guilty and or fears being discovered, they may close what I call the body windows to the person they are lying to. So they may pull back the feet under their chair or point the toes away, they may close the knee window by crossing their legs. They may cover up their heart window by turning slightly away, adjusting their shirt, holding a beverage in front of their chest. They may also lean slightly away with their torso or head as they listen to a question they don’t want to answer honestly or as they prepare their answer or just after they lie. Extroverts with big egos (Think Politicians’s and big sports celebrities like Arid ) may lean forward as they lie. Honest people do that naturally to emphasize a point but liars tend to start the lean to soon and they lean in closer and tend to linger forward a bit too long. They may close their neck window by clasping their neck or playing with a necklace or shirt button, collar or zipper. They may slightly turn their head away. Their mouth window may twist up on one side, they may bite their lip or do a weird liar smile that looks like a upside down clown smile. They may close their eyes (eye widow) a beat or two longer than normal or blink frequently. The voice may get higher as the vocal chords tense.

Also honest people gesture and give facial expressions as they speak, that match and mirror the voice tone, speaking rate and body language of the person they are talking with. If you accuse them of something, they want to keep talking till they are sure you realize they didn’t do it and they can feel you trust them again.

Liars want to change the subject, they may attack you verbally or get mad to distract you from your accusations. If you accuse someone, see how they respond then change the subject. Liars relax when you change the subject!!!

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Also check out the body language quiz on her YouTube Channel at

Right Hand Good, Left Hand Bad? Gestures and Emotions

Right Hand... Good, Left Hand... Bad?
Does it matter to you and your audience which hand you gesture with? Well, in laboratory tests, "right and left-handers associate positive ideas like honesty and intelligence with their dominant side of space and negative ideas with their non-dominant side," says Daniel Casasanto of the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics in Nijmegen, the Netherlands. When examining spontaneous gestures in presidential debates during the 2004 and 2008 elections involving two right-handers (Kerry, Bush) and two left-handers (Obama, McCain) researchers Casasanto and Jasmin found that right-handed candidates made a greater proportion of right-hand gestures when expressing positive ideas and left-hand gestures when expressing negative thoughts. But the opposite was found for the left-handers, who favored their left hand more for the positive and their right hand for the negative. Obama's 'right-hand man' may be on his left. For years I have told my public speaking students who were nervous to try putting one hand in their pocket, For 30 years I have seen students who do this magic gesture with their dominant hand. As a coach for Politicians, the old school was to tell them to gesture mostly with their right hand and only to use their left hand when delivering bad news. The new data Cassanto shows is that people associate “good things with the side of their body they can use most fluently -- dominant is fluent, and fluent is good."

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Also check out the body language quiz on her YouTube Channel at

What Do I Do With My Hands When I Give A Speech?

What do I do with my hands when I give a speech?
The energy impact of gestures.

The most frequent question that I get when I am teaching my public speaking course or working with a coaching client who wants to improve their body language in their speeches is, “What do I do with my hands?” Because the hands come out from the heart they symbolically show our true feelings. Nervousness and anxiety come in our feet and hands. We don’t want our fear to show, so we want to hide our hands. Most of the frustration comes at the beginning of the speech when you are the most nervous. You may want to plan specific gestures to use at that time. I threw my hands up in the air at the beginning of one of my speeches just to get the excitement up and out of my body. The location of your hands, also, affects your nonverbal behavior. Put your hands at your sides and your energy goes down and your voice lowers and can become more monotone and you tend to move and show fewer facial expressions. Bring your hands to the level of your waist and you become calm and centered, bring your hands up high to the level of your upper chest or above and your voice goes up and you become more energized and animated. Change the location of your hands depending on your emotional message.

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Also check out the body language quiz on her YouTube Channel at

Sales Techniques....Way for a Manager to Make a Request and Get Follow Through

A Five Step Process to Get Commitment and Follow Through From Someone or Make a Sale-

When you ask someone to do something, ask him to say what he will do. Make eye contact. Make sure your facing side by side with men and face to face with women.

Make sure you give a specific time frame for completion. Develop a sense of obligation in him. Engage his conscience and have him tell you how the task will go. End with verbal confirmation. For example, “So I will see you next Saturday, right?”

1) Get him to say it. Do you really mean that? Are you serious? Do I have your commitment to follow through on this?

2) Get a specific time frame. "Great." What time will you start?" When will you start?" "Any idea of how long it might take?" “When can you begin?” “What will be your first step?”

3) Develop a sense of obligation – Let him know that because of his help positive things will happen or that if he withdrawals his offer it will cause a disturbance.

4) A sense of conscious. You want to relay that you are now dependent upon him for his help. Let him know how important his help really is. Mention any consequences that you might suffer if he doesn't come through. I will be in hot water.

5) Seeing is believing - Example, A Real Estate agent showing a home says, "Where will the sofa go?”What will you do first, hook up the monitors or go through the booklet?Make sure he sees himself doing what he says.

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Also check out the body language quiz on her YouTube Channel at

Selling Techniques from Patti's Sales Presentation Workshop

The Law of Scarcity – When a person perceives that something they might want is limited in quantity he believes that the value of what he might want is greater than if it were available in abundance.

Action - Limit options.

Narrow someone's options before you present them to him. Conventional wisdom suggests that with more options a person is sure to find something that he or she likes and that will motivate him or her to take action. The opposite is actually more likely. Nobody enjoys being wrong. When you give fewer choices research shows a person will make a decision faster and be less likely to dwell on it afterward. Second guessing the choice they made. Don’t’ create the, "Did I make the right choice?" scenario. Offer no more than three options with two being the ideal. Give a person choices, but not too many. When a person is not given choices he can feel his freedom is restricted and it may cause him to back off.

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Also check out the body language quiz on her YouTube Channel at

The Power of the Pause. How to Use The Nonverbal Pausing to Get Action and Follow Through.

Research on persuasion and body language shows there is power in a pause. When you make a request, then pause for confirmation.

Say something like, “I can count on you, right?”

After you say it, pause for a response. Research shows this kind of request followed by a pause and then a commitment from someone, increases follow through from 62 to 81 percent.

The powerful steps for making a request that gets follow through.

  1. Ask for what you want
  2. Ask for a quick verbal confirmation
  3. Pause
  4. Maintain eye contact if you are face to face when making the request.
  5. Wait for their verbal confirmation. If they give you a head nod make noise such as a grunt, but don't say yes, ask for a yes.

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Also check out the body language quiz on her YouTube Channel at

How Can You Get Follow Through From Someone.

How Can You Get Follow Through From Someone. Vocal and Nonverbal methods for getting what you want.

The Law of Consistency- People have an inherent need to perform in a manner consistent with how they see themselves and how they think others perceive them.

If you believe in the person's ability and success tell them. When you make a request, let him know you believe he is the kind of person who follows through. As you make a request, make sure your posture, eye contact, facial expressions and the tone of your voice are consistent with the positive statements you are making.

“You are the kind of person who follows through.”

”You’ve always impressed me with the ability to…”

“I’ve always liked the fact that you…”

Do not say,

“I have some doubts you will be able to get this done on time.”

“I am anxious about you getting this done.”

“I know this will be a problem.”

This only provides and opportunity for them to make an excuse or back out.

Try instead

“You know, Sara, I really appreciate you helping me out.”

“I respect the fact that you’re the kind of person who follows through on things.”

“Thank you in advance for doing what I know will be a great job.”
This is an effective way to make requests.
These persuasion techniques work with friends, your family, your co-workers, and your employees.
Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Also check out the body language quiz on her YouTube Channel at