Update on Tot Mom's Body Language
When Verbally Attacked what does Tot Mom's Body Language Reveal?
Heading home....
Last night a bunch of us walked into Canada and saw the beauty of Niagara Falls. They are beautiful to look at, and very powerful. The Falls are one stop you show experience in your lifetime. I wish we had time to go on the Maid of the Mist, but we have a tight schedule. Some of us got caught in the rain, some worse off than others.
Today we left the hotel in the rain, but when we got to Love Canal the rain stopped. First, thanks to John P from Glenn Springs Holdings to for hosting us. John provided a nice overview and history of the Love Canal. The tour included a look at the treatment facility on site. Then we walked on the cap of the Love Canal site. The site looks park-like, with a few monitoring wells around the perimeter.
We are now heading back towards home. We had a great week, learned a lot, and had great fun doing it. It was a pleasure spending a week with everyone! And also a great big thanks to Peter, our driver. He got us everywhere safe and sound!

Today we were welcomed into the Materion Brush facility in Elmore, OH. They manufacture and produce beryllium products. They walked us through the different manufacturing processes they have on site, including extrusion, coils, rod and tubes, and pure beryllium. We learned about the safety procedures put in place to protect the workers from beryllium exposure, and were provided with an in depth discussion of medical issues related to beryllium exposure. Dr. Deubner discussed the research he has conducted on why and how they set their exposure limits for their workplace.
For the tour we donned PPE, including full face PAPR, tyvek suits, and booties. By wearing PPE, it gives our participants a sense of what workers experience as they have to work in PPE ensembles. And looking back to our visit at NIOSH, we can see the value of the research they are conducting on PPE and respiratory protective devices.
Thanks to Dr.Deubner, Mike Berakis, Keith Smith, and all the other staff at Materion Brush for hosting us and provide such a valuable learning opportunity for our program.

Casey Anthony's Body Language, Nancy Grace

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Also check out the body language quiz on her YouTube Channel at
Tuesday, we must be in....
Tuesday we must be in….. Detroit. Well, actually Dearborn and Livonia. We started the day at the Ford River Rouge Factory Tour. They assemble Ford F-150 pickup trucks, as well as a few specialty versions of the pickup. Two versions are the Raptor and the Harley Davidson special models of the truck. The tour is provides an excellent overview of the River Rouge Plant, and the history of Ford. Then we viewed the assembly plant from a catwalk around the assembly line.
After lunch, we visited the Livonia Transmission Plant. They showed us two process lines. The new process line is much more computerized, and uses robotics and computers to move parts. These advances in ergonomics has had a significant effect on the reduction of repetitive motion injuries, strains, and other musculoskeletal injuries. The Health and Safety staff from the UAW provided a great overview of the H&S program, and provided a wealth of information for us.

ERC Historical Perspectives Tour 2011 - Pittsburgh
Two great tours today. We started the day with a visit to the Carrie Furnace/Homestead Steel. We were on the Rivers of Steel Hardhat Tours ( The tour started in the Bost Building, where we saw an overview of the Homestead Site, and learned how steel is manufactured. In 1892 the Bost Building served as headquarters for the Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers. We drove over the Carrie Furnaces, two of the last blast furnaces left. The Carrie Furnaces were in operation for over 100 years, ending in the 1980s.They produced molten iron, which was transported across a “hot metal bridge” over the Monongahela to be made into steel. At its height, Carrie Furnaces employed over 4000 workers.Now, it is just another relic of our industrial heritage. But we are glad we had the opportunity to see it. Thanks to our excellent guides, Bob and Sam, who provided an enormous amount of information about the history and workings of the steel industry.
After the steel tour, we visited the NIOSH Personal Protective Technology Lab. Ed provided an overview of the activities that take place at the NIOSH PPTL. Then we toured three of the labs.The first was the lab that tests facial shapes to determine the best fit of respiratory protection.They image a face to create a 3-D image of the head, so they can identify how best to fit a respirator. The second lab was the physiology lab, where they test different types of PPE and how it effects the body. The third lab was the fit testing lab, which includes testing and certifying of all respirators. We thank the Staff at the PPTL for hosting us and providing such a comprehensive and informative visit. (And thanks to NIOSH!)
We are driving to Detroit, and look forward to our visit to Ford River Rouge and Livonia Transmission.

The first stop on the tour was the Lackawanna Coal Mine. The coal mine, located in Scranton, PA was mined from 1860 – 1966. Although this is not an active mine, they provide an excellent opportunity to learn about coal mining issues. Children as young as 8 years old worked in the mines, performing very dangerous jobs. Our tour guideprovided a lot of information about the dangers of mining, including explosions, collapses, and other safety and health issues. We all remember the tragedies in West Virginia, and the miraculous Chilean mine rescue, that have occurred in mines over the last few years. Seeing the conditions first hand puts those events into perspective.
We are now heading to Pittsburgh for tomorrow’s tour of the steel mill and a visit to the NIOSH Personal Protective Technology Laboratory.

"Wait Until Tomorrow" by Pat MacEnulty ... A Must Read for Every Woman!
Today, back in my office after three intense weeks on the road I glanced to see at what new treat awaited me. On top of “Enchantment,” “A Sense of Urgency,” “Happiness” and “Girl with the Dragon Tattoo” was a new book titled “Wait Until Tomorrow.” “Wait Until Tomorrow” is a memoir written by my friend of over twenty-five years, Pat MacEnulty. I looked again at the titles of the books that Pat’s book sat on top of. The other titles seemed to echo the journey of Pat’s life. The journey that made it important for her to think when things get hard, terrifying or seemingly unbearable, wait until tomorrow because something wonderful can happen. The book is Pat’s journey as a daughter and a mother. A daughter taken care of by her mother, a mother taking care of her daughter and the recent years, very difficult ones for her as a daughter taking care of her elderly mother.
I opened Pat’s book and started reading. I had read the book a year ago in draft form, but I knew Pat had made many changes. After reading just the introduction and the first two chapters I knew it was an extraordinary book. In fact, I want every woman I know to read it. I want to shout from the rooftops and sing it from the mountains like the Julie Andrews spinning arms out stretched singing, “The Sound of Music.” The pages of this book are alive with the sound of Pat’s love of her mother and her daughter. They are alive with her talent. Pat is the ultimate cool person. So to use her vernacular “Man” she can write. I am so blessed to know Pat.
Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Also check out the body language quiz on her YouTube Channel at
ERC Historical Perspectives Tour 2011
Albert Pujols' Hug with Jim Hendry: What Does It Mean?
I recently was interview by the Chicago Tribune on what was behind the hug that took place near home plate between Albert Pujols, baseball superstar, and Jim Hendry. general manager for the Cubs at the Cubs-Cardinals game at Wrigley Field. Check the link below to find out what the hug meant!
Tot Mom, Casey Anthony's Body Language During Recent Court Appearance for Jury Selection
I studied Tot Mom, Casey Anthony's body language during her recent court appearance for the Nancy Grace show. She demonstrated several comfort cues such as holding her own hand and bringing her hand up to her mouth which showed her high level of anxiety. She is also seen obsessively adjusting her drink on a napkin, adjusting the band on her ponytail and other behavior that reveals her desire to control what she can control.
Check the link below to my YouTube channel to see the interview and observe Casey's comforting and controlling behaviors.
Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Also check out the body language quiz on her YouTube Channel at
Guy Kawasaki’s latest book, “Enchantment” and Why You Should Shake Hands
Here is a quote from my new book on first impressions
“The choices of where, when and with whom to give a handshake have changed over the last few years due to differences in culture and religious background, a more casual business culture and the maturing of the Purell germaphobic generation. Yet, handshaking remains an important ritual for you to understand, use with ease and use as a source of information as you work on your first impression and reading others. Recent studies in North America indicate that a firm handshake that shows strength and vigor with appropriate eye contact length and completeness of grip creates a favorable first impression. In fact, the handshake is the quickest, most effective way to establish rapport with another person.”
In the book “Enchantment” like many recent business books he mentions Paul Eckman’s facial expression research and on page 10 of the “Enchantment” is research that I quoted many years ago in my “Success Signals” book on smiling that I also mention under likability in my new book. It is nice to know that great minds think alike.
Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Also check out the body language quiz on her YouTube Channel at
May 4th - Make A Promise Day
May 4th is Make A Promise Day. Recently I did an interview about my friend Roy and promises we made to each other many years ago. Today, on Make a Promise Day, think about the times in your life when you made a promise and what it meant. When you use the two Magic Words (I Promise) they invoke a powerful force to make things happen. When you make a promise and can Keep Your Word you can Change Your Life.
Link to this site for more information.
Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Also check out the body language quiz on her YouTube Channel at