Is there a relationship between facial shape and/or color and how we perceive health?

Is there a relationship between facial shape and/or color and how we perceive health?  Yes I discuss in my book facial symmetry. Researchers have also found correlations between symmetry and health, which lends itself to the theory that in looking for a mate, humans and other animals look for those who will be most healthy and free of disease. One study found that men with asymmetric faces tend to suffer more from depression, anxiety, headaches and even stomach problems. Women with facial asymmetry are less healthy and more prone to emotional instability and depression. Another study found that the more asymmetric a person's body was, the more likely they were to show signs of aggression when provoked.

For more information on faces, facial expressions, facial symmetry or attractiveness type in the keyword in the blog search.

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at Also check out Patti's YouTube channel at

Make Your Body Language Work For Your During An Interview

Patti shares 6 Nonverbal Ways To Wow The Job Interviewer with  Check the link below!

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at Also check out Patti's YouTube channel at

What is "facial femininity?" What personality traits do you believe it is correlated with it?

What is "facial femininity?" What personality traits do you believe it is correlated with it? Certain facial features in women are seen as attractive, and appealing and we may see these faces indicating innocence. Symmetrical facial features, large eyes (Theory attracted to features similar to an infants that effects the limbic brain) and larger upper lip than lower lip and red enlarged lips (similar to engorged labial lips) paler skin, glowing skin, skin free of spots and other facial blemishes. (facial symmetry is about measurement; recent psychology research from the University of California, San Diego and the University of Toronto has found that the distance between a woman’s eyes and the distance between her eyes and mouth are very important in whether people find her attractive.  When the vertical distance between the eyes and the mouth was approximately 36 percent of the face’s length, and the horizontal distance between the eyes was approximately 46 percent of the face's width, the students judged the faces as more attractive. This study shows that the structure of faces -- the relation between our face contour and the eyes, mouth and nose -- also contributes to our perception of facial attractiveness. Those findings also explain why sometimes an attractive person looks unattractive or vice versa after a haircut, because hairdos change the face shape thus the ratios."

For more information on faces, facial expressions, facial symmetry or attractiveness type in the keyword in the blog search.

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at Also check out Patti's YouTube channel at

Stress-Busting Smiles

Patti was interviewed by the Wall Street Journal on smiling.  Click the link below to read the full article which appeared in the Wall Street Journal today, February 26, 2013.

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at Also check out Patti's YouTube channel at

What is the relationship between perceptions of faces and social decision making?

What is the relationship between perceptions of faces and social decision making? Yes, people form first impressions quickly and make decisions about who they want to interact with or avoid, do business with or hire or date. Research shows that people can form first impressions of threat looking at someone's face within the 39ms “Very first impressions. ”Bar, Moshe; Neta,Maital; Linz, Heather
Emotion, Vol 6(2), May 2006, Shows that for all judgments—attractiveness, likeability, trustworthiness, competence, and aggressiveness—increased exposure time did not significantly increase the correlations.

Also an interesting tidbit is that most people are not attracted to angry faces so it doesn’t give a good first impression but there are some people with high testosterone that are “rewarded” by that negative look and may work to get it. Even teasing someone till they get that annoyed look that rewards them.

For more information on faces, facial expressions, facial symmetry or attractiveness type in the keyword in the blog search.

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at Also check out Patti's YouTube channel at

Are there any personality traits associated with certain facial shapes or features in men or women?

Are there any personality traits associated with certain facial shapes or features in men or women? Yes, features of masculinity --such as a heavy brow and angular face--somewhat overlap the expressions of anger and the facial features of roundness and soft features--overlap with the facial expressions for happiness so we are more likely to see a smiling face as feminine and an angry face as masculine. (Interesting to note that men with higher than average testosterone smile less)

For more information on faces, facial expressions, facial symmetry or attractiveness type in the keyword in the blog search.

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at Also check out Patti's YouTube channel at

How To Treat Hirsutism

Hirsutism is not a disease and it is rarely caused by a serious illness. Unfortunately in our society, excess hair growth in woman is considered abnormal and this can cause distress or embarrassment. At least 25% of normal middle-aged women have unwanted facial hair and many women do not realise the treatment options that are available.

In some cases, hirsutism may be as a result of an underlying medical disorder. This can easily be ruled out with a medical history and some simple blood tests. The treatment of hirsutism begins with a detailed description of the problem and ensuring that the patient does not lose their femininity. Then, direct intervention, if possible, is instituted for the underlying disorder.

In some cases, cosmetic measures may be sufficient. In others, the slow progress of systemic therapy may necessitate more immediate cosmetic treatment. If hirsutism persists (or the patient has idiopathic hirsutism), other cosmetic or systemic treatment may be necessary. The most effective strategy is to combine a systematic treatment that contains a slow onset of effectiveness, with mechanical hair removal (shaving, plucking, waxing and depilatory creams) or light-based hair removal (laser or pulsed light).

Hirsutism requires careful evaluation, systematic and rational approach to clinical treatment. Throughout this process, the patient must understand that even if the diagnostic tests can be a waste of time (and inconclusive), it is sometimes necessary to identify effective interventions. In other cases, it may be counseling and education all that is necessary. For the patient who wants treatment, a wide range of pharmaceutical strategies are available. 

As the current treatment system is not perfect it is very important for the patient to give informed consent after a complete explanation of the potential benefits and risks of a particular treatment and alternative approaches.  

Who should see a doctor?
Any woman experiencing difficulties in controlling body or facial hair by cosmetic methods should discuss this with a General Practitioner, as referral to an Endocrinologist (Specialist interested in hormone problems) may be beneficial. An Endocrinologist can provide reassurance, arrange appropriate investigations and discuss the options for treatment. 

What investigations may be needed? Blood tests can be done to check the levels of male and female hormone levels. These can usually be done at the time of visiting the outpatient clinic. Occasionally more sophisticated hormone tests are needed and these can be arranged as an outpatient at the Clinical Investigation Unit. An ultrasound of the ovaries and CT scan the adrenal glands may also be necessary in some patients.

What treatmentsare available?

  1. Cosmetic

  • Bleaching makes the excessive hair less obvious.
  • Depilatory creams
  • Shaving: contrary to popular opinion, shaving does not make the hair grow more thickly! Electric shavers are probably better than wet type, as there is less tendency to irritate or damage the skin.
  • Waxing pulls hairs out from the roots and needs to be repeated regularly.
  • Epilady removes the hair by a combined cut and pull.
  • Electrolysis may result in permanent hair loss, but takes time as a small area is treated every few weeks. Electrolysis can be expensive and unskilled treatment may cause scarring.
  • Laser therapy is useful for facial hair removal in certain skin types.

Patti Shares Insights with Vinnie Politan on HLN

Click the link below to hear Patti's insights on the body language of Jodi Arias during the murder trial of her ex-boyfriend, Travis Alexander.

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at Also check out Patti's YouTube channel at

How to Let Someone Know When It's Time to Go Polite and Rude Ways to End a Conversation

Patti Wood MA, CSP
"The "Gold" Standard
of Body Language Experts"
March 2012 Newsletter
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Presentation Skills, Sales Training and Body Language
About Patti
Patti Wood, MA, CSP and Body Language Expert
Patti Wood is an international speaker, author and consultant to Fortune 500 companies. She reads the body language of politicians, celebrities and other well-known world figures for national media such as CNN and FOX News. Her corporate clients describe her as a dynamic, powerhouse presenter.

Did you know that Patti speaks on Improving "Techno" Commun-ication? Would you like your team to know the secrets to improve communication via,
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If you are interested in a one-day intensive body language workshop, "Selling Yourself" click here
Quote for Today
in the end
is that
Dear Patti,
Can we be kind when we want to end a conversation? This month's main article will let you know the best ways to signal the person you're talking with to go.
You can also see my reads for the media on Romney, Whitney Houston's daughter, Bobbi Kristina, and other people in the news.
Take Care,
How to Let Someone Know
When It's Time to Go
Polite and Rude Ways
to End a Conversation
Suitable for Posting at Your Office
  • Have you ever had someone come into your office or home that just did not pick up on the fact that the conversation was over?
  • Have you ever been stuck in a long conversation during a meeting, party, dinner or network event?
  • Have you ever wished to give non-stop talkers a list of cues to look for so they knew it was time to go?
Here is the list of both gracious and impolite ways
for you to end a conversation.

Patti's Recent TV Appearances
HLN Special Report
Ryan Brunn
Ryan Brunn's Body Language
HLN ShowBiz Tonight
Bobbi Kristian on Oprah
Bobbi Kristina's Body Language during the Oprah Interview
Check Out Patti's Recent Articles
Bachelor Ben and fiance Courtney
Nick Gordon's Relationship with Bobbi Kristina
Bobbi Kristina and Nick Gordon
Are They A Couple?
VOWS Magazine
When is it Time to STOP Selling the Dress?
What Your Body Language Says About You
Associated Press
Romney's Anger Real and Controlled
Burnt Bread Recipe
For a Laugh -After months of friends having me over for dinner as I finished up my book, I am now hosting dinner parties again. My friends looked forward to the bread accompanying the mushroom ravioli I had fixed for dinner. Later, while we were up in my office checking out possible book covers my friend Richard asked, "What's that smell?" and we discovered the burnt pesto bread in the oven. Another friend asked for the recipe so here it is!
Top 10 Favorite Books of 2011
I remember my first favorite book, the one I first read over and over again at the age of 9 "Little Men" by Louisa May Alcott. Yes, I preferred the adventures of boys rather than the mild, and to me hum drum lives of the "Little Women" written about by the same author.
Though I had been a reader before the age of 9 at that particular age I found that my Barbie dolls were boring and my pogo stick and tether ball no longer seemed engaging. Reading became my play, and more than that, it became my way to seek adventures, to travel through time and space, to feast on life. For me books are as essential as air, and food and sometimes more essential than sleep. I would love to know your favorite books.
In 2011, I wrote more, spoke more, and traveled more than in any year of my career. To balance my wonderful real life with my creative life that meant I also read a lot of wonderful books.
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Patti Wood MA, CSP
The Body Language Expert
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Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at Also check out Patti's YouTube channel at

Body Language Read of Jodi Arias on Nancy Grace and Vinnie Politan Feb. 21st


Patti will be reading the body language of Jodi Arias during the murder trial of her ex-boyfriend Travis Alexander on the Vinnie Politan Show and the Nancy Grace Show, Thursday, February 21st.  Tune in tonight to watch the shows.  Click the link below to the Nancy Grace show.

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at Also check out Patti's YouTube channel at

Body Language Read of Jodi Arias on Nancy Grace

Click the link below to hear Patti's insights on the body language of Jodi Arias as she is on the witness stand during the murder trial of her ex-boyfriend, Travis Alexander.

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at Also check out Patti's YouTube channel at

Therapeutic Reflection

This is an article on some of the first research discovering mirror neurons. This is one of the most exciting research areas in nonverbal communication, body language and empathy.

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at Also check out Patti's YouTube channel at

Know About Unwanted Hairs : Learn more about hirsute and look better

Unwanted hair appears all over the face, body, such as the legs, chest, back, armpits and feet, the normal amount of body hair for women varies. Most of the time, a woman only has fine hair, or peach fuzz, above the lips and on the chin, chest, abdomen, or back. If you have coarse, dark hairs in these areas, the condition is called hirsutism. Such hair growth is more typical of men.

Carefully take a closer look at the hair in question. To make a diagnosis of hirsutism, you need to know the type and location. There are two types of hair on your body. There is "terminal" hair that is relatively long, coarse and pigmented like those on the eyebrows, eyelashes, underarm and of course the scalp and pubic areas.    

The second type of hair is called "vellus" hair, is found elsewhere on the body. It is shorter, softer and lighter in color. Some people call this "peach fuzz" type of hair and may have it on their bellies, chins, legs and arms. In hirsutism, you have terminal type hair on the chin and/or upper lip, chest or back

In most cases, the exact cause is never identified. It tends to run in families. In general, hirsutism is a harmless condition. But many women find it bothersome, or even embarrassing. Excessive hair in woman can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetics, certain medications such as hormones or steroids; or even medical abnormalities, such as higher androgen (male hormone) levels or conditions of the endocrine system, such as polycystic ovarian syndrome(PCOS) or problems with menstrual periods, trouble losing weight, and diabetes.

If these symptoms start suddenly, you may have a tumor that releases male hormones.

Males’ hormones such as testosterone, which are also known as androgens and are produced by both males and females, can increase hair growth rate and also transform vellus hair to terminal hair. It’s not surprising, therefore, that in many women; hirsutism is due to elevated levels of androgens.


You may not realize that there are many unwanted hair removal methods. Every option has different pros, cons, price points and may not be the best choice depending on where you want to remove hair.
Because the amount of body hair varies considerably from woman to woman and there is a wide range that is considered normal, someone may think she has excessive hair but not be considered hirsute. For example, heavy hair growth occurring on the calves or arms, areas where women normally have hair is not likely to be classified as hirsutism. Therefore, the initial step is evaluation via a physical exam to look at the pattern and type of hair growth.

If hirsute is confirmed, the next step is to determine underlying medical problems that may be causing the condition. This is accomplished by taking a complete medical history; administering a physical and if necessary pelvie exam and frequently ordering blood tests to determine hormone levels.

Slimming down can also help overweight women with hirsute because losing weight can decrease production of male hormones in fatty tissue. In addition weight loss can help women whose hirsutism is caused by PCOS. That condition puts women at increased risk for insulin problems, but shedding some extra pounds lowers the risk substantially. Plucking and waxing are other options but they may result in ingrown hairs. Lasers are the most permanent methods of hair removal- both methods damage individual hair follicles so the hairs do not grow back but they are little expensive and require multiple treatments.

Gender Differences in Smiling

I just finished an interview for the Wall Street Journal here is one of the topics I discussed, gender differences in smiling.

Women smile more often socially to be liked and to increase community Men smile less to be perceived as more dominant. Research shows that men who smile less have more testosterone.

A study by Tracy and Beall (2011) in Emotion examined both men’s and women’s sexual attraction to emotions expressed by the opposite sex.By asking men and women to rate the attractiveness of pictures representing different emotions (happiness, pride, shame, neutral) of the opposite sex, the study established that while men are most attracted to happiness expressed by women, women are least attracted to happiness and most attracted to pride expressed by men In a series of studies, more than 1,000 adult participants rated the sexual attractiveness of hundreds of images of the opposite sex engaged in universal displays of happiness (broad smiles), pride (raised heads, puffed-up chests) and shame (lowered heads, averted eyes).

The study found that women were least attracted to smiling, happy men, preferring those who looked proud and powerful or moody and ashamed. In contrast, male participants were most sexually attracted to women who looked happy, and least attracted to women who appeared proud and confident.

"It is important to remember that this study explored first-impressions of sexual attraction to images of the opposite sex,"

Men who smile less LaFrance  Paluck Hecht, 2003 examine every available study that has been done on sex differences in smiling. Ultimately, they looked at 186 research reports.

They found that women do smile more than men, but the difference is modest. "The difference is there, but it's not whopping," LaFrance said. "Indeed, there are studies that find just the opposite."  Also, the rate at which men and women differ in how much they smile is greater in the United States and Canada than in other parts of the world, like England and Australia. In the United States, there is a greater sex difference among Caucasians in smiling, but this difference virtually disappears among African-Americans.

For more smile research and tools to improve your smile read SNAP Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma.
Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at Also check out Patti's YouTube channel at

Smiling and DISC Personality Styles

I just finished an interview for the Wall Street Journal.  One of the topics I discussed was my research on smiling and DISC personality styles. Here are the types and the smiles and below is the survey you can take to assess your smile and determine your DISC personality types.

I  did research for the Natural Dentist toothpaste on how your smile reflects your DISC personality type.

Driver - who likes to get things done When I do smile it is larger than most peoples.  It’s here then it’s gone.

Influencer – who likes to get appreciated When I smile my whole face moves, my mouth goes up at the corners, my cheeks go up and my eyes crinkle at the corners. It comes quickly and stays on my face a while. I almost have to focus to make it go away.

Supporter – who likes to get along hen I smile my mouth goes up at the corners, but not to far. It comes on slowly and is steady and stable.

Corrector – who like to get things right I keep my mouth closed and my lips fairly tight and sometimes my mouth goes down at the corners. It comes on slowly and fades out slowly.

The survey with the key is on my book website  and you can find it at the bottom of this document.

What is the Smile Analysis Survey? 

Have you ever looked at a stranger’s smile and immediately recognized something about their personality? Did you ever wonder what people think of you when you smile?

Are you curious to discover what the corners of your lips, the arch or your eyebrows, the lift of your cheeks, and other parts of your smile reveal about you? Would you like gain insights into how you come across to others? Well the Free smile personality analysis is a brief survey that will give you a fun snapshot of your personality!  

The smile analysis is based on nonverbal communication and personality research. It is designed to be fun snapshot of your personality, no couches or inkblots are needed to apply!  

1. Which of the following best describes the physical aspects of your smile?

a. ___ I keep my mouth closed and my lips fairly tight and sometimes my mouth goes down at the corners.                 

b. ___When I smile my whole face moves, my mouth goes up at the corners, my cheeks go up and my

          eyes crinkle at the corners.

c. ___When I do smile it is larger than most peoples. 

d. ___When I smile my mouth goes up at the corners, but not to far.  

2. Which of the following best describes the way your smile comes and goes on your face?

a. ___It comes on slowly and is steady and stable.

b. ___It comes quickly and stays on my face a while. I almost have to focus to make it go away.

c. ___It comes on slowly and fades out slowly.

d. ___It’s here then it’s gone.  

3. Which of the following sets of words best describes how you see your smile?

a. ___Kind and Friendly

b. ___Confident and Powerful

c. ___Expressive and Spontaneous

d. ___Reserved and Diplomatic  

4. Which of the following scenarios most closely describes how feel and how you smile when you’re photographed with friends and family?                                          

a. ___ I enjoy the connection to others, so I would smile, but not typically a big smile.

b. ___ I don’t really like being photographed. Sometimes I smile, but not every time.

c. ___ I either smile largely or don’t smile at all.

d. ___ I typically have a good time & don’t mind being photographed, so I give an enthusiastic smile. 

5. Which of the following best describes your smile?

a. ___Animated and Lively

b. ___Warm and Polite

c. ___Discrete and Appropriate

d. ___Direct and Energetic  

6. Which one of the following best describes how often you smile? Please choose only one:

a. ___I smile all the time, people comment my smile 

b. ___I smile quickly, but I wouldn’t say I smile all the time

c. ___I’m not a big smiler, but I mean it when I do smile

d. ___I smile often, I like how it makes others feel  

7. If others view your smile as being like you, ideally they would say your smile is:

a. ___Gentle and Considerate

b. ___Sincere and Diplomatic

c. ___Decisive and Independent

d. ___Fun and Optimistic  

8. What is the most likely thing to make you smile?

a. ___When I accomplish a task quickly and effectively

b. ___When I do something correctly or solve a problem

c. ___When I do something well or I’m recognized for doing a good job

d. ___When I’m able to help others  

9. You would be most likely to smile as you say which of the following sentences:

a. ___I enjoy telling stories and entertaining people

b. ___I like working with people who get along

c. ___I know what I want and I go after it

d. ___There’s a right way to do things  

10. What do you think makes a great natural smile?
11. What do you think about a person who smiles frequently?

12. What’s one thing you would love to know about smiling?

Gender:  ___ Female or ___Male

Age:  ___under 25  ___25 to 40  ___40 to 55  ___55 and up

How to Score Your Survey 

Use the key below to tally up your answers and record them in the totals section also located below. To discover what your smile personality type is, see which smile personality type has the highest number and read the corresponding description, located under the key. Once you’ve discovered your smile personality type don’t forget to email your completed survey to by the end of the week. The first 50 people that return the survey will receive Patti’s e-book on Stress Reduction.


1. Which of the following best describes the physical aspects of your smile?

a. _A_ I keep my mouth closed and my lips fairly tight and sometimes my mouth goes down at the corners.                

b. _I_When I smile my whole face moves, my mouth goes up at the corners, my cheeks go up and my eyes crinkle at the corners.

c. _D_When I do smile it is larger than most peoples. 

d. _S_When I smile my mouth goes up at the corners, but not to far.  

2. Which of the following best describes the way your smile comes and goes on your face?

a. _S_It comes on slowly and is steady and stable.

b. _I_ It comes quickly and stays on my face a while. I almost have to focus to make it go away.

c. _A_It comes on slowly and fades out slowly.

d. _D  It’s here then it’s gone.  

3. Which of the following sets of words best describes how you see your smile?

a. _S  Kind and Friendly

b. _DConfident and Powerful

c. _I_ Expressive and Spontaneous

d. _AReserved and Diplomatic  

4. Which of the following scenarios most closely describes how feel and how you smile when you’re photographed with friends and family?                                          

a. _S_ I enjoy the connection to others, so I would smile, but not typically a big smile.

b. _A_ I don’t really like being photographed. Sometimes I smile, but not every time.

c. _D_ I either smile largely or don’t smile at all.

d. _I_ I typically have a good time & don’t mind being photographed, so I give an enthusiastic smile. 

5. Which of the following best describes your smile?

a. _I_ Animated and Lively

b. _S_Warm and Polite

c. _A_Discrete and Appropriate

d. _D_Direct and Energetic  

6. Which one of the following best describes how often you smile? Please choose only one:

a. _I_  I smile all the time, people comment my smile 

b. _D_I smile quickly, but I wouldn’t say I smile all the time

c. _A_I’m not a big smiler, but I mean it when I do smile

d. _S_I smile often, I like how it makes others feel  

7. If others view your smile as being like you, ideally they would say your smile is:

a. _S_Gentle and Considerate

b. _A_Sincere and Diplomatic

c. _D_Decisive and Independent

d. _I_ Fun and Optimistic  

8. What is the most likely thing to make you smile?

a. _D_When I accomplish a task quickly and effectively

b. _A_When I do something correctly or solve a problem

c. _I_  When I do something well or I’m recognized for doing a good job

d. _S_ When I’m able to help others  

9. You would be most likely to smile as you say which of the following sentences:

a. _I_  I enjoy telling stories and entertaining people

b. _S_ I like working with people who get along

c. _D_ I know what I want and I go after it

d. _A_ There’s a right way to do things  

How to Score Your Survey 

Use the key above to tally up your answers and record them in the totals section below. To discover what your smile personality type is, see which smile personality type has the highest number and read the corresponding description, located under the totals. Once you’ve discovered your smile personality type don’t forget to email your completed survey to by the end of the week.

Totals:   ___D-river  ___S-upporter  ___I-nfluencer  ___A-nalyzer

Smile Personality Type Descriptions

There are four distinct personality types. No one type is better or worse than any other type. Not everyone is purely one personality type some of us are a combination of types. Each type description is for someone who scores high on one particular type. If your scores were close on any of the types read the description for both types to see what characteristics best describe you. You may find that you are a mixture of types. If so, you enjoy having the benefits and talents of more than one personality type. 

Driver-- Your lifestyle is active and fast paced. You are always on the go. You want to get things done. You do all sorts of things at the same time because you think, “Why do one thing when you can do three or four?” You enjoy solving problems, meeting challenges and competing. Your communication style is fast, direct, and to the point. You make decisions quickly. You are impatient with people who waste your time. You tell it like it is. You’re adventurous, bore easily and are willing to take risks. You can challenge the status quo and break the rules. You gain energy from being in charge and meeting new goals. You make direct eye contact and shake hands confidently. You set high standards for yourself and for others. You get things done. 

Supporter-- You are warm friendly and like a relaxed pace. People describe you as loyal, steady and dependable. Your relationships are the most important thing in your life. You are cooperative and a team player and you will work to avoid conflict and get along, even making personal sacrifices to do so. You speak slowly and thoughtfully. People say you are a good listener, though sometime you feel interrupted by others. You don’t rush in, but instead you look carefully before taking action. You are helpful, supportive and nurturing of others. You are the shoulder to cry on and the one who remembers birthdays.  A good day for you is when everyone gets along and you have helped others. You prefer working patiently, behind the scenes getting one thing done at a time.  You like to know what you are going to do every day.  

Influencer-- You are spontaneous and live life to the fullest. You are a leader and you want to be noticed and appreciated for your ideas and what you do. You are social and outgoing. You don't like to waste your time or energy on boring details or the same old routine tasks. You are boisterous, imaginative and playful. You love to share a good story or a bit of humor and you’re your animated voice and body language help you communicate well. You tend to ignore the rules, since you don’t think they really apply to you. Your enthusiasm is contagious and you get the party going and the group motivated. You enjoy a good conversation whether it is on the phone, over dinner or out socializing.  A good day is when you brought out the best in someone else or when someone noticed your talent and work. You are optimistic, charming, a real people person. You want people to like you. You see the “big picture” and can inspire others.  

Analyzer-- You are smart, careful and accurate. You are a deep thinker who considers the details before you speak. You catch mistakes that others miss. You have great insights and opinions, but you don’t always get a chance to express them. You like to read books and other activities that make you think. You like to work by yourself and relax at home, because you enjoy solitude. You like to take your time, play by the rules and wish others would do the same. You have a place for everything and that makes you life your life organized and easy. People may have a hard time reading your body language and knowing what your thinking or feeling because you like to keep your emotions to yourself. Others might consider you a serious person, but you do see and create humor in things that others might miss.  You want to be right and value being seen as accurate and logical. You have high standards and others may say you are a perfectionist. 
For more smile research and tools to improve your smile read, "SNAP Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma." 

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at Also check out Patti's YouTube channel at