Why Ice cream and Chocolates Can Be Dangerous?

Dear friends, Each one of us like to enjoy those tricky chocolates and ice creams as the mouth watering taste cannot be resisted in any case. But, are you aware of the harm and danger of eating chocolates and ice creams. Do you know that those colorful looking chocolates and ice creams can be dangerous to your health? So, you should be careful while eating them especially when they carry some dangers with them.

The first and most obvious danger that you must know is that these tempting favorites of all are overloaded with artificial sugar. This sugar can cause diabetes, blood pressure, obesity, hardening of arteries and lot more. In children it causes anxiety, difficulty in concentrating, hyperactivity and overweight.

Secondly many chemicals are added to keep chocolates & ice creams fresh most of these chemicals are not healthy for your body.  Artificial Colors & Sweeteners are also added to enhance the taste and visual effects for making an strong appeal to eat the stuff, but these can harm liver and kidney.

A lot of Emulsifier & Thickeners are added to maintain the desired structure/texture and to enhance the smooth texture of ice creams & chocolates. These chemicals are harmful for the body can cause allergies too.

Finally you will be shocked to know that these stuffs especially ice creams have products which contains animal source ingredient known as gelatin (made by boiling tissue, bones and skin of cows or pigs). Being a vegetarian you might be unintentionally eating it.

Besides all the above drawbacks these stuff contain a lot of Caffeine and bad fats- Chocolate is partially made of cocoa bean which is loaded with caffeine. Kids eating lot of chocolate are hyper due to presence of this caffeine. Calorie content of ice creams and chocolates is too high due to presence of a large amount of sugar. You can easily put on weight while eating such stuffs.

So be careful next time when you see such tasty devils ...... ha ha 

what are the helpful tips on eye care for computer viewers?

Eyes are one of the most important organ in the human body and vision is one of the most wonderful gift. But often many people neglect the importance of eye care and do not pay proper attention towards eye care. 

Spending long hours in front of television or computers is part of peoples life today. Especially if you are a computer professional, this may cause many eyes and vision related problems in future. So what can be done to avoid this? 

Here are some useful eye care tips for computer users.

First, it’s important to find out how you can protect your eyes through eye health exams and by making a few minor changes in your computer viewing habits.

Positioning is everything
Correct positioning of your computer, keyboard and typing copy is essential. Your screen should be positioned about an arm’s length from your eyes and 20 degrees below eye level. Consider foot and wrist rests for added comfort.

Lighting can make all the difference
Room lighting should be diffuse, not direct, to reduce glare and reflections from your screen. Look into an internal or external glare screen and be sure to set your colour, contrast and brightness levels to suit you.

A little extra help for your glasses
Anti-reflective coatings on the lenses of your glasses can be applied by your optometrist to reduce discomfort and to ease reduced vision from bright and/or flickering light sources such as VDTs and fluorescent lights. And don’t forget, your doctor of optometry can talk to you about eyeglasses designed specifically for people who use computers a lot.

Take time out, our 20-20-20 rule

Step I : After every 20 minutes of looking into the computer screen, turn your
head and try to look at any object placed at least 20 feet away. This
changes the focal length of your eyes, a must-do for the tired eyes.

Step II : Try and blink your eyes for 20 times in succession, to moisten them.

Step III : Time permitting of course, one should walk 20 paces after every 20 minutes
of sitting in one particular posture. Helps blood circulation for the entire body.

Blink your eyes

Did you know that on average we blink 12 times per minute? But wait, did you know that when we’re on the computer we only blink 5 times per minute? That can add up to dry eyes. Relieve the discomfort by using artificial tear drops or gels and remember to blink!


Sit straight at your workstation and rub your palms against each other till you feel them warm. The warmth of your palms helps soothe and relax tired eyes. Then, lightly cup your eyes with your palms and relax for 60 seconds. Count the seconds in your mind. Repeat this exercise two to three times whenever your eyes feel tired, or as often as you want. While palming, you can either rest your elbows on your desk or keep away from the desk and cup your eyes. Both ways are fine.

Splash water on your face

During breaks, splash water on your face while closing your eyes. This has an overall relaxing effect and helps you feel refreshed.

Use tea bags

Keep two used tea bags in the refrigerator before you leave for work. Once you are home, place the tea bags on your eyes for a few minutes as you relax. This not only soothes tired eyes, but also reduces puffiness.

Eat healthy

Incorporate Vitamins A, C, and E on a daily basis; eat citrus fruits, green leafy veggies, tomatoes, spinach, poultry and dairy products. Pack a box of chopped carrots, cucumber and fresh fruits and munch in-between meals at the office.