How Do You Get Someone to Be Honest and Not Lie to You?

The Law of Honest Feedback

Make requests throughout your delivery and ask for agreement with each point and sub point.

Getting honest feedback is inherently difficult. The next few posts will give you different methods to get honest feedback. The following techniques and exercises are in my book and in my workshops.

The Law of Honest Feedback-

Make requests throughout your delivery and ask for agreement with each point and sub point

“It sounds good to me.” “How does it sound to you?”

“It seems reasonable to me.” “How does it seem to you?”

“It feels like a good choice to me.” “How it feels to you?”

Be ready to seem surprised, but not upset if they do not agree. Also, make sure you listen to their doubts carefully without interruption

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Also check out the body language quiz on her YouTube Channel at