See this sweet doggy smile on this cute pooch. This is my dog Bo's girlfriend Stella.
Stella is dressed as a butterfly for a birthday party.
Notice how her ears are nicely relaxed and her commissure is relaxed and visible. Roughly translated into people terms, the commissure is typically the black outer lip around the corners of a dog's mouth.
We also can tell that Stella is happy because she giving a a dogs version of a happy smile. Her mouth is wide open and relaxed, her tongue is relaxed and flopping out of her mouth. Her happiness is also shown by the upward tilt of her head and her "soft eyes" meaning that her the muscles around her eyes are relaxed and the eyes are softly opened. She is a cutie!
For more Dog Body Language Tips type in dog and people body language on my blog and look for my celebrity and dog body language reads. This year I am the National Spokesperson for Pup-peroni dog treats.
Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at http://pattiwood.net/. Also check out the body language quiz on her YouTube Channel at http://youtube.com/user/bodylanguageexpert.