ERC Tour 2012 - New Bedford, MA

Today, Ted Harrington from the USCG Division Office in Boston, met us to provide an overview of fishing safety issues. He provided real life scenarios of what type of decision-making needs to occur when something goes wrong on a fishing vessel. The three things he stressed are: 1. Have the necessary equipment; 2. The equipment is capable of being used; and 3. Fishermen know how to use the equipment.  He showed us several videos that showed that equipment was available and the fishermen knew how to use it, but it not capable of being used.

After that, Rodney Avila took us to the docks in New Bedford to show us several types of fishing vessels. We went on one of the scallop boats that was being repaired, and saw how the workers would work on the boat.

It was a great experience to see the dangers of fishing safety, and to learn the advancements in the past 8 years in training fishermen in safety practices. Through these training programs it is hoped that the accident and fatality rates continue to drop.

A great big THANKS to Ted and Rodney!

After arriving in Portland, the participants presented their site overview for Bath Iron Works and Sappi Paper. Then everyone was on their own for dinner and more.  Guess who was at Karaoke?