ERC Tour 2012 - Rock of Ages

We visited the Rock of Ages granite quarry.  It is awesome to see the 600 foot deep quarry, and the massive pieces of granite that are cut from the earth.  The large blocks of granite are hoisted up to the top of the quarry, where they are cut to smaller pieces. Even these smaller pieces are huge.  After the granite is taken form the quarry, it goes to the factory to be made into a piece of art. Rock of Ages makes many memorials, head stones, and other intricate stone pieces.

We learned about silicosis, a respiratory disease found in the granite workers. The pneumatic drilling operations lead to the increased rate of silicosis in the workers.

After Rock of Ages, we went to the hope Cemetery. This cemetery is a "museum" of ornate headstones. There are elaborate headstones made to represent the hobbies of those who are buried in the cemetery. You can see race cars, soccer balls, airplanes, ad other extraordinary grave markings.

Following lunch, we went to Ben and Jerrys ice cream. A delicious way to end the tour.